Work well means working better, more and more companies are aware of this and seek to foster collaboration and communication in their team. The proposals of the JRP Xtreme will help your employees grow and improve as individuals and as a group, in a dynamic and engaging way.
Foster communication, build relationships of trust and collaboration among colleagues, to improve the climate in the office you must be able to break the mold.
The JRP Xtreme companies can organize incentive programs and team building sessions in a natural environment that encourages cohesion and openness.
Face the challenges of the path as a united group, helping each other to fly with the cable car at dizzying heights or crossing a canyon on a rope bridge is extremely liberating. To get to the end you need a mix of competition between colleagues and teamwork, thus enhancing the harmony and understanding among team members.
The adventure park offers various activities, aimed at overcoming the problems or to achieve specific results:
- Improve communication and group dynamics,
- Foster creativity,
- Encourage healthy competition,
- Build trust and a sense of belonging.
All this is achieved while having fun, living a unique adventure that is challenging both towards others and towards themselves.
Outdoor training is the best choice for team building, working on critical issues within the group and increasing its potential.
An unusual situation, forces people to break the usual patterns of behavior, forcing them to confront their fears and working as a team to overcome challenges.
Thanks to these activities, the team learns to cope with unexpected situations in a calm manner, without being overwhelmed by stress and panic, but exploiting their resources to find original and functional solutions.
Interpersonal relationships
The first objective is to improve trust and communication between the group, encouraging collaboration and mutual support, together to overcome new and problematic situations.
- Create a sense of belonging and group identity,
- Improve relations and mutual trust,
- Stimulate the gestures and non-verbal communication,
- Understand their ways of relating.
Face the challenges
Everyone must overcome individual challenges, testing their courage, counting on the support and the help of the group.
- Encourage a healthy and productive competition,
- Become aware of their own limitations, strengths and opportunities for growth points,
- Feeling the group as support and help in difficulties,
- Create a cohesive team capable of overcoming any challenge thanks to the trust and mutual support.
Solve problems
The challenges they will face will bring out the group’s criticism, giving them both the time and the ability to overcome them, to achieve goals and overcome new obstacles.
- Improve communication and listening,
- Foster the integration and collaboration,
- Do motor and emotional activity,
- Achieving the goals of the group,
- Increase and improve staff motivation.
The survival course JRP Xtreme (Bushcraft) teaches not only to procure the necessities of life in extreme situations, but also outdoor living and primitive but very effective survival skills.
To survive in a hostile environment, unusual and different, it is necessary to stimulate the ability to quickly analyze a situation and make the right decision with determination.
The activities improve trust towards companions: they all have specific tasks, which are necessary for the success of the group.
The survival course also teaches how to light fires, follow animal tracks during a hunt, building a shelter, in addition to distinguish edible plants.
In JRP Xtreme you can live an exciting and fun experience, challenging colleagues to a round of soft air.
An exciting race that helps make a cohesive group, enhancing mutual trust and mutual support.
Thanks to Lasertag technology, which uses harmless infrared rays, you can “play war” as real soldiers: the game, in fact, copies modes from the fearsome American Marines training.
Simulating a critical situation such as war, the team understands the need to unite and work together to protect each other and finish the mission. Soft air develops and improves physical capacity, in addition to stimulating cohesion and speed in dealing with problems.